We are much more than we realize. There are communities of living organisms that make up your body. A basic understanding of the Human Microbiome can change the way you think about yourself. It will expand your concept of self and make you wonder what self is. Let’s delve into the miracle of life that we are by exploring the microbes that keep us alive and healthy.

What is the Microbiome?

We know that we are made of bones, blood, cells, and muscle. However, we often overlook the Human Microbiome. This is a naturally occurring community of micro-organisms (microbes) in our body. It includes diverse viruses, fungi, and protozoa – that outnumber human cells almost two to one! While this might sound scary, this thriving community of microbes in our body is working in harmony with our human cells to create life as we know it.

Each region of our body has its own distinct community of microbes living on or in it. – Lita M. Proctor

Thanks to Louis Pasteur, a cornerstone of our modern medicine has been based on the notion of killing germs (i.e. bad microbes). This “war with germs” was born from a history of “battling” bubonic plague, small pox, yellow fever, typhoid, and other illnesses. Yet science is now telling us that struggling against germs really how health works.

Is Our Body Really at War?

The analogy is somewhat outdated. Our body is not a battlefield where we fight off bad germs. Humans and microbes are now seen as part of a co-evolved system for the mutual benefit of both. Health is the result of balanced harmony between resident microbes and human cells. Though antibiotics are helpful in certain applications there is much reason to be cautious and prudent in their usage.

Routine practices, including the use of antibiotics, may alter the human microbiome by reducing nontargeted bacteria and creating antibiotic resistant strains. – Blaser, M.J. (2011) from Antibiotic overuse: stop killing our beneficial bacteria

Does the belief of war and separation help us in other aspects of our life? You can have a boundary with your neighbor while still collaborating to make your neighborhood beautiful. The concept of viewing our body as a battle field doesn’t feel very healthy. The truth is that our body is made of a community of cells. In reality, on a cellular level, we aren’t even “purely” human.

What is a Microbe?

Simply put, a microbe is any living organism that is too tiny to be seen with the naked eye. This includes bacteria, protists, fungi and even some very tiny animals (parasites) that can only be seen with a microscope. These microbes can include germs that are beneficial, as well as those that are harmful.

Overall, most of the microbes are beneficial. Enzymes provide energy for metabolism, assist in synthesizing vitamins, act as a defense against pathogens and help us digest food. The human microbiome is the sum of these communities composed of bacteria and other microbes. This also includes viruses, protozoa, and fungi. Our emerging understanding of these communities within the human body will continue to bring breakthroughs in every aspect of medicine.

Scientists now believe that infants are sterile (meaning free of microbes) in the womb and receive their first inoculum of microbes from the mother during natural childbirth. This inoculum goes on to colonize the newborn and initiate a succession of events leading to the development of the child’s own microbiome. The newborn relies on this maternal vaginal microbial inoculum and the additional inoculum of microbes from mother’s breast milk for microbial colonization of all exposed surfaces in and on the infant’s body (e.g., oral, nasal/airways, gut, urogenital, skin). -Lita M. Proctor, Ph.D.

It Starts at Birth

The immune system is completely entwined with the human microbiome, and birth leaves life-long imprints on us. From the moment we are born, our bodies start to learn all different kinds of microbes. The immune system distinguishes the helpful ones from the ones that cause diseases. This means that creating a sterile environment in the first months and years won’t allow the child’s immune system develop properly. Playing in the dirt, walking around barefoot, putting random things in our mouth should be supervised, but not discouraged.

The latest scientific research is now starting to indicate that if the baby is not properly seeded with the mother’s own bacteria at birth, then the baby’s microbiome, in the words of Rodney R Dietert, Professor of Immunotoxicology at Cornell University, is left “incomplete”. Consequently, that baby’s immune system may never develop to its full potential, leaving that infant with an increased risk of developing one or more serious diseases later in life. – Toni Harmon, Huffington Post

It’s All About Lifestyle Choices

Our hormones, where we live, how we interact with our environment (do we get our hands in the dirt enough?), and what we eat are all influencing factors on our microbiome. Knowing this, you may consider how your daily lifestyle affects your microbial colonies. What kinds of soap do you use? Do you really need to shampoo every day? What kinds of food do you eat and which kinds of microbes are you feeding?

Many researchers believe that certain bug-guts or parasites are actually causing us to crave certain foods. With discipline we can learn to feed our bodies food that encourages happy and healthy colonies of microbes. Maybe we will even eat our way to enlightenment. Significant research shows the importance of eating live foods because they are rich in enzymes. Healthy serotonin, and dopamine levels, as well as mood are also related to gut flora and food. Eating cultured and fermented foods is also important.

Human Microbiome Project (HMP)

Much of the inspiration and information for this piece came from a longer and more in-depth article by Lita M. Proctor, Ph.D. Lita is Program Director of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), which is an 8-year, $194M trans-NIH Common Fund Initiative. The goal is to create a community resource of data, including clinical and scientific approaches for this emerging field. Initiatives like this are very hopeful as they invite us to look at the big picture, think holistically, and consider new ways to embrace health in a community context.

We are a web of interconnected organisms, we are an organism within a larger organism called Planet Earth. Having a good relationship with our internal and external communities requires mindfulness, awareness and healthy lifestyle choices. We are only at the very beginning of comprehending the magnificence that is life within this biological diverse realm. Keep learning, growing, talking with friends, and raising the overall vibration. Be good to your microbes and they will be good to you!

Jacob Devaney

Jacob blogs for Huffington Post and others in addition to Culture Collective. He specializes in social media, and cross-platform (or trans-media) content and campaigns. Meditation, playing piano, exploring nature, seeing live music, and going to Hopi Dances are some of his passions. As a co-founder of unify.org, Jacob lives for community and believes that we are all interconnected with our own special gift to offer the world.

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