All of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are rooted in the communication between neurons. Naturally occurring brain chemicals influence our moods. There is also an electrical aspect to brainwave frequency that determines how we experience reality. Our brainwave state controls our ability to focus along with many other important functions in our lives. This article will show you how to identify and change your brainwave state to enhance your mood and performance.
“You have your very own signature brain wave activity, unique to you. It has a rhythm and pattern – and it incorporates Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta frequencies at varying levels over the course of a day as your brain modulates them to match your activities. Brain Sync audio programs amplify a single frequency or a carefully balanced combination of frequencies to achieve a specific purpose.” – Tools for Wellness

It’s All in Your Mind
People have used meditation, music, dance, and art for millennia to alter consciousness. German physiologist and psychiatrist Hans Berger invented a device called an electroencephalogram (EEG). This machine has the ability to measure and record the wave frequency of electrical activity in the brain. The EEG helps us understand what is happening internally while we engage in various activities.
Each of the millions of neurological synapses in our brain operate on electrical impulses which create an overall frequency. The frequency (wave-length) can be fast or slow, harmonious or discordant. Whatever the frequency is will affect your consciousness dramatically. Since we can now measure these brainwaves we can induce our desired states of consciousness.
Entrainment is the process of voluntarily or involuntarily synchronizing the body and brain to the environment. Think of how a catchy tune on the radio makes you tap your foot or dance in rhythm. Biomusicology has used the EEG to show how certain external rhythms can cause entrainment (harmony) of brainwaves.
This idea has been applied with biofeedback, binaural beats, and other advanced forms of technology. It is basically rooted in the ancient idea of the shaman’s drum. Music can alter consciousness in powerful ways. There are now many products on the market designed to help people explore different brain states via sound and music.
“The acoustic stimulation of rhythmic drumming acts as an auditory driving mechanism, affecting the electrical activity of the brain by bringing it into resonance (at a particular frequency or set of frequencies) with external stimuli.” – Music, Science, and the Rhythmic Brain: Cultural and Clinical Implications

The Basic Brainwave States
Brain states reflect the brain’s electrical activity. They are measured in hertz (Hz), and correspond to different levels of mental and emotional functioning. Here’s a breakdown of how each brainwave state affects our perceived reality:
Alpha is about relaxation, imagination, visualization. This slow cycle of brain wave is 7-12 Hz (beats per second). It is a state of peace, safety and is a great state of mind for relieving stress. These brainwaves are also present when people watch movies or television. It is a gateway to deeper realms of consciousness. Schuman Resonance which is the resonant frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field is also in Alpha. This state is essential to well-being.
Beta frequency is about concentration, cognition, alertness, and focus. This state of mind allows you to make connections quickly and come up with solutions and ideas. It is great for creative projects. Beta is also a great state of mind for sports or physical activity that requires focused attention. The Beta wave rate is between 13-40 Hz (beats per second).
Theta was first observed through applying EEG to monks in meditation. This brainwave is where meditation, intuition, and memory reside. This mystical realm is elusive and mysterious since brain activity slows almost to the point of sleep, but not quite. This state brings heightened receptivity, visions, flashes of dreamlike imagery, inspiration and your buried memories.
You may feel like you are floating or that your spirit is reaching beyond the container of your body. It is 4-7 Hz. and 4.5 beats per second appears to be the most optimal for inducing this “shamanic” state of consciousness. This meditative state increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition and other extrasensory perception skills.
Delta clocks in at about 0-4 Hz. and is pretty much where we go when we are in a deep sleep. This state is crucial for restoration of the body and healing. Delta has to do with the subconscious, the place where intuition arises.
Gamma is very fast with cycles above 40 Hz. This most recently discovered brain frequency is one that science is yet to understand. Initial research shows Gamma waves are occur during high-level information processing and bursts of insight. Perhaps we are evolving to adapt with our fast paced, technology-driven world?

How Brainwaves Shape Reality
Balanced Brainwaves: In a healthy, balanced brain, different states interact dynamically. For instance, theta waves provide creative insights, while beta waves help bring those ideas to life. This is why sometimes we run into creative blocks while working on a project. We may need to allow our consciousness to shift from theta to beta.
Disruptions: Imbalances or dominance of certain brainwaves (e.g., chronic high-beta activity from stress) can distort perception, leading to issues like anxiety, inattentiveness, or emotional instability. This is why identifying when we feel stuck is very helpful. We can step back, put on some music we like, meditate or go on a walk. This will help us shift our state of mind for the better.
Be the Captain of Your Own Ship
As you can see, each of these states of consciousness are essential for our well-being. One thing to consider is that we don’t shift instantaneously, sometimes there are periods when we are somewhere between states. So allow time for transitions.
We now also know that emotion and heart frequency affect brain states. Each of us can also influence each others frequencies. So being mindful of the people your surround yourself with is important.
Our reality is based on our internal brainwaves and emotions. They dictate whether we feel calm, alert, creative, or overwhelmed. By understanding and consciously influencing these states, we can reshape our mental and emotional landscapes. This deepens our connection to ourselves and the world around us. It all begins with self-awareness and a desire to improve our quality of life.