Planet Earth is indeed an island of life floating in an endless sea of stars. It is unlike anywhere else in the universe. This is a powerful story that connects us all while stoking a sense of magic and wonder. As people recognize the path our ancestors took that leads us to this day, a global narrative emerges. Read on to learn how a piece of your own ancestry is woven into this unfolding story. The people of Hawai’i have some very special wisdom that gives needed context to this moment in history right now.
“We need myths that will identify the individual not with his local group but with the planet.” ― Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth

photo courtesy: Paaponomilolii
At the End of the Circle Comes a New Beginning
Hōkūle’a is the story of a modern epic voyage that retraces humanity’s invisible footprints across the ocean and throughout history. It is a living tale of the healing wisdom of aloha, love, and sustainability. This message is being shared by sailing the world in a traditional double-hulled canoe. Her crew, using only traditional navigation techniques, recently sailed the oceans of the world. Embedded in this true story is a missing piece of human migrations throughout history.
Archaeologists can only dig in the land for traces of human history. They can not dig in the oceans. Meanwhile, coastlines are usually the first to degrade in the pounding waves and salty winds. Yet science has been reluctant to listen to the oral histories of indigenous people who have much wisdom to share. Hawaiians just showed the world that humans had the ability to navigate the oceans long ago.
Migrations Around the World
Leaders like Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Barack Obama, Richard Branson, and others have been awestruck to witness what is unfolding. As humans migrated across the planet over millennia, the Hawaiian Islands are some of the last places discovered. Far from Africa where archaeologists believe humans first originated, these islands are some of the newest land on Mother Earth. (Big Island of Hawaii is still growing every year as hot lava pours from active volcanic vents.)

The desire to explore pushed early humans to migrate around the world. We were also forced to relocate because of droughts, floods, famines, conquests, and war. Science shows us that our memories and traumas are passed through our DNA for many generations. That means that every one of us has a piece of the collective experience of our ancestors.
Our ancestors were the oppressed and the oppressors at some point down our genetic line. We all have this shared history. The good, the bad, and the ugly is right inside our blood. This tumultuous legacy made us strong, it made us survivors. These are not patterns that we need to repeat anymore. That’s why the Hōkūle’a message of aloha is so important as we look at our history and into our future.

Photo: copyright and courtesy of Kamehameha Schools Kapālama and Hālau Kū Māna Charter School
Unanswered Questions
The discovery of this remote island chain in the Pacific is shrouded in unanswered questions. How did the original Hawaiians find it? What made them know this land is here? From Hawai’i it is a thousand miles of ocean to reach land. Some say that shamanic dreams or intelligent sea creatures like dolphins, whales, and sharks (Kamohoali’i) guided early navigators here. Sailing a thousand miles to find a small chain of islands was as profound for ancient mariners as it is for modern astronauts to reach the moon.
“These are the children of the living breath (Aloha)…They go out to the deep ocean to find out what the original song was… We’re not lost. We’re going home.” – Sam Kaai, a true son of Maui and noted scholar of Hawaiian cultural practices.

Island Style
The Hawaiian lifestyle maintains many indigenous practices. People have forgotten the art of living in balance with nature in most places around the world. Living on an island teaches one that resources are finite. We can’t run too far from what we create (good or bad). Hōkūle’a invites us to re-awaken, remember, and live consciously. It is time, once again to remember that Planet Earth is an island of life floating through a vast galaxy of stars.
“According to legend, the 16th navigator Paka’a could not only predict the wind and weather, he could actually control them with a wind gourd bequeathed to him by his kupunawahine La’amaomao, the wind goddess, whose name ‘Distant Sacredness’ suggests the divine breath which emerges from holes in the far horizon.” – Dennis Kawaharada, No NāMamo

It’s in the Stars
The crew sails using only indigenous technology (no GPS, no Google Maps) to navigate long distances. By studying the wave patterns, behavior of dolphins and other fish, one can find their way across vast distances in the oceans. Through noticing where stars rise and set along the horizon you can navigate the Star Path to your destination.
A Lei Around the World
The Mālama Honua journey brought Hōkūleʻa 42,000 nautical miles in 4 years to visit 150 ports in over 20 countries. The theme of the journey was Lei Kaʻapuni Honua, which means, “A Lei Around The World”. This lei of aloha (love) connects all people throughout the world and across the millennia. We are entering a new chapter for humanity on earth.
Our Hawaiian voyaging canoes, Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia, are on a five year, 60,000 nautical mile voyage to discover how local communities around the world are navigating toward a sustainable future. Mālama Honua, caring for our island earth, is the guiding value of our voyage and it is inspiring learners of all ages to join us as we discover stories of hope from cultures around the globe. –

A Journey of the Heart
Aloha is a lifestyle that reminds us to stay connected to nature. It translates as “our shared breath of life”. The first Hawaiians brought 25 plants known as canoe plants 1,700 years ago. These volcanic islands originally had no vegetation. Bill Mollison, a permaculture visionary, says that Hawaiians are some of the most prolific gardeners in the world.
We live in times of epic proportion facing environmental issues for the first time as a global community. The practice of aloha will help us heal our planet. The journey ahead can look impossible at times. Yet we can draw from the strength and wisdom of our ancestors to create a truly beautiful future for all.

Voyage as a Way of Life
This is a real-life story rich with metaphors that are relevant to all of us as our global heritage awakens. The best part is that you can follow along and participate. You will learn with the crew about diverse cultures, ancient migrations, and sustainable practices to make a better world.
You can explore canoe to classroom online. There are plenty of videos, photos, and blog entries on the website. These historical and contemporary cultural stories are full of hope and inspiration.
Mālama Honua (caring for our Island Earth)
The Hōkūle’a Crew has a pledge that they share with everyone they cross paths with. This forms a great foundation for creating a beautiful future together on this planet.
I recognize that Earth is a blue planet. Our ocean is the cornerstone of life, and our planet’s life-support system.
No matter where on Island Earth I live, the ocean produces the air I breathe and helps to regulate the climate.
I recognize that our ocean and Island Earth is changing because of the habits and choices of human beings.
I recognize that with supporters like me, and the community I reach out to around me, the future of our oceans and our Island Earth can improve.
The difference will start with me and spread to others. I pledge to support our oceans and Island Earth, and inspire people of all ages to do the same. – One Ocean, One Island Earth Pledge
Take some time to breathe in the Aloha. Remember that we all come from a long lineage of survivors and we all share the same breath of life. Gaze at the sky and connect with the beauty of knowing we are in this cosmic ocean of stars. It is a blessing beyond measure and with this blessing comes a great responsibility to respect all of life.
Our world today is made up of all the stories of our past. It is rising like a Phoenix to bring a great change across our planet. We have been through a lot collectively as a people. Now we must learn to live together as one family.
The journey of Hōkūle’a represents a very special moment for all of us. The last place humans discovered in our migrations around the world is Hawai’i. It is also the first place to have the culture of Aloha. The end of a circle always brings new beginnings. That’s why this is our moment as we navigate towards a beautiful future.