Recent studies show that large groups of people sharing a common emotional response to a global event can literally affect the Earth’s magnetic field. This concept is referred to as global coherence. We are electromagnetic beings and so is our planet. When we consciously adjust our emotional frequency we can create a harmonic resonance between ourselves and our natural environment. This is very healing and when harnessed collectively humanity will make a profound evolutionary leap.
When we align with the forces of nature we become empowered to change the world for the better. Yet any organism divided and in discord with itself can not thrive. This includes us as individuals, as communities, and as a global civilization. Sadly we are witnessing a time of great polarity, much infighting, and general discord. Emotional states of anger, fear, and frustration create a great energetic dissonance.
The journey to global coherence for the human species starts with the individual. We cultivate coherence through a personal practice. Then we can act towards collective ideals. Imagine a future where we evolve past war, oppression, greed, racism, and environmental degradation. This would be a profound evolutionary leap for our species.
Collective Mind and Heart Coherence positively influences the global field known as Schumann Resonance.

The Science of Evolutionary Leaps
The Multiple Discovery is when individuals have made the same discovery at practically the same moment. Elisha Gray didn’t know about Alexander Graham Bell, yet she filed a patent for the telephone on the same day!
Vladimir Vernadsky coined the term “Noosphere”. This describes the sphere of human thought that shapes the physical world and thus the life-forms that inhabit it. The Heartmath Institute has taken this idea to the next level through the study of heart-mind coherence.
Researchers have proven that the heart is actually part of our cognitive system. The heart sends more messages to the brain than the brain sends back to it. Electrically, the heart is also 40–60 times stronger than the brain. It is more powerful than any other electrical impulse in the body. Our heart projects an electromagnetic field is 360 degrees around our body at a distance of 10 feet.
When sound waves are in harmonic resonance they make beautiful music. When they are not in harmony they create dissonance and noise. Imagine this same phenomena with the electromagnetic waves created by our thoughts, our heart, and our emotions. Now magnify that times thousands or millions of people.
Sound can literally shape matter, and thoughts can shape our world. So why do humans spend so much time arguing and so little time focused on creating coherence? There is a growing global movement to shift this pattern. Hopefully this will help humanity make an evolutionary leap.

“The collective unconscious is an invisible thread that weaves through the fabric of our lives linking us to our ancestors guiding our personal growth and shaping societal trends.” -Carl Jung
The Human Web of Consciousness
Humans are connected to each other through an invisible web of ideas, vibrations, and dreams. The scientific examples above are just a few worth pondering. We don’t need to view ourselves as independent bodies in a disconnected world. We are instead distinct parts within a larger organism of life.
British chemist James E. Lovelock and U.S. biologist Lynn Margulis first began studying this phenomena in the early 1970’s. They call this The Gaia Hypothesis. It proposes that living organisms interact with their surroundings to create a complex system that regulates itself. This interconnected system keeps the planet’s conditions within boundaries that are favorable for life.
Global Coherence Initiative
Just as humans are electrical and magnetic beings, so is the planet we live on. Winfried Schumann first observed global electromagnetic resonances between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere in 1952, now called Schumann Resonance. Humans have brain and heart frequencies that overlap the earth’s magnetic field resonances. We are not only receivers of biologically relevant information in this global field. Humans contribute to shaping it through our consciousness and emotional state.
We use magnetism to store information on computer hard drives and we used cassette and VHS tapes. Researchers can now detect our genetic information and DNA as electromagnetic signals. Theoretically the earth’s magnetic field is like “the cloud”. When we are in coherence with ourselves we can ‘download’ information from it.
This can help us in the evolution of our consciousness and revolutionize the way we communicate. We are on the verge of an evolutionary leap as a species. We stand at a crossroads between destructive and creative forces. How will will choose to create a future for the generations to come?
“Furthermore, Dr. Persinger also suggests that the earth’s magnetic field can act as a carrier of information between individuals and that information, rather than the intensity of the signal carrying it, is important for interaction with neural networks.” -Global Coherence Initiative
The Harmonic Convergence
On August 16, 1987, José and Lloydine Argüelles organized an event called, The Harmonic Convergence. The date of the event was based on a rare planetary alignment according to the ancient Mayan Calendar. This was the beginning of a world-wide movement born out of traditional indigenous cosmology teachings.
It was also one of the original inspirations for UNIFY. This organization has evolved the concept of globally synchronized celebrations, ceremonies, and meditations to increase global coherence. The Harmonic Convergence was more than 30 years ago.
Now we now have a large body of scientific evidence that validates the concept of globally synchronized meditations. We also have an international community online that gathers for these events a few times each year. You can learn more by at their Facebook Page.
Another Step for an Emerging Movement
Mind-heart coherence will be a very fundamental skill for all of us. By shifting out of our current polarization we will create an evolutionary leap for our species. It starts with a personal practice and then ripple outward into a growing collective movement through inspired action.
It is time to align with the forces of nature and create a resonance even beyond our planet. We have waited a long time for this planetary transformation. Our higher selves are waiting to greet us on the other side of our current polarization and disconnection. What are some ways that you are working towards evolutionary leaps in your life and community?